
 Today we presented poems that we completed over the weekend. The poem I submitted is below.


The inspiration of my poem is the quote " A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step". The theme of my poem is that whatever end goal you have in mind you cannot stay stagnate and you have to start somewhere.

A journey of 1000 miles starts with a single step

Seems like a long way, so how should we prep

Started out with MLK, he saw the chance and leapt

This is an example of a journey that started with a single step

Then comes Rosa tired and dreary

Glued to her seat which she held dearly

Though a simple action it brought us a long way

And shows her integrity day after day

MLK led, then others redeemed the rest

One of these individuals being Malcom X

Although they disagree on some approaches to equality

They relate to each other in their end goal and curiosity

Lastly, today the ultimate goal was reached

An African American president was put into the seat

Though it's been a long route we still have plenty to fret

But we wouldn't be here without taking a single step


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